Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Back to School for all of us!

Yesterday, the kids got their school supply lists off of the school website and Sean took them to Target to pick out all of their school supplies. They came home so pumped and excited for school to begin. School starts August 18 th. I never remembering going to school this early. I'm good with it though cause I'm so tired of these three annoying words, "I'M BORED MOM".
Well, they won't be bored next week! Yay!

I'm also starting two classes and continuing my journey through nursing school. It is going to be slow getting there but I cannot wait. I got an A on my summer class and that just really got me encouraged and motivated.
I really can't wait to graduate and do this.

Well, it's that time. I can't believe this but my baby is starting pre-school. She is so excited, especially for her Tangled backpack and light up Sketcher tennis shoes. Funny story about that...I took her shoe shopping and we tried on these cute silver, sparkly converse, she put them on, smacked her foot as hard as she could to the ground(hoping to see lights start sparkly on the shoe). As soon as she saw the shoes didn't light up she was like, "nope, don't like 'em". It's all beginning.

We have done things a lot differently with Drew than with Reagan and Bailey. The circumstances have been different and also we are just way more laid back probably because of the experience we have with the other two and because she is our baby and yes, we can't help but spoil the little brat.

I love all my kids the same even though I've been accused of playing favorites.
She just knows how to make me melt. Example, I have been cracking down a little more on discipline with her and she looks at me with this sad face and shaky chin and says, "do you still love me?" Ahhhh!

In preparation for pre-school we have been practicing our abc's. I found these
Cheez-its with letters on them and she has to guess the letter, if she gets it right, she gets to eat it. It's fun and she feels like such a big girl.

School starts next week for me and the kids! Back to a routine, I can't wait!!!!

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