Friday, August 5, 2011

Sea World

We spent a couple days in San Diego for some family time. Our good friends, Mark and Erin met up with us at Sea World. Mark makes some of the medicine for Sea World, so he was able to get us "back stage" where a lot of the dolphins stay. This was the highlight of the day. The dolphins were like little puppies. They were showing off for us and wanting to play. We all loved this.

I love this!

My dear friend Erin.

Mark is one of Sean's best friends. Mark and Erin are going to go to Haiti with us in a couple of weeks and we all can't wait to see what God is going to do there.

It's like these dolphins were posing for the pictures. So sweet.
Swimming with dolphins is on my bucket list for sure.

We all got to feed them jello which helps keep them hydrated. That was so fun. They would just slide up on the side of the pool so we could pet them. I want a pet dolphin!

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